Back to School Speech Therapy Ideas with FREE worksheet!
10 Easy Speech Therapy Activities for Back to School. Ideas, resource links, and a FREEBIE included! Icebreakers, Games, & More!
10 Easy Speech Therapy Activities for Back to School. Ideas, resource links, and a FREEBIE included! Icebreakers, Games, & More!
Wordless videos and animated shorts are great for eliciting speech, language, and communication. They are entertaining for individuals of all ages, and are perfect activities for both speech therapy sessions and at home.
Link to our S Articulation Bundle with multiple BINGO boards included (and more printable/downloadable resources)! For /s/ targets in the initial, medial, and final positions.
Articulation goals with goal bank included in this post! Part of our larger goal bank series. We discuss our Communication Community Goal Writing Formula and how you can use this to write quick and easy artic goals for therapy.
Using board games for speech therapy is a great way to target speech and language skills in therapy and at home. Find our favorites and how we use them below!
Looking for a quick, easy, and free way to practice speech sounds? Check out our Bingo board featuring CH final position words for articulation.
Final position /l/, /r/, /s/, /v/, and /z/ BINGO boards available through our TpT store now! FREE to download. Click on the 'Materials' tab for our express link.